Schools Project

Distributing school uniforms and clothing to children and adults in need, helping to remove barriers to education and daily life.

The DJ Strauss Foundation tackles barriers to education and general well-being through their two main programs. The “Second-Hand Uniforms and Clothes” initiative distributes pre-loved school uniforms and clothing to children and adults in need. This ensures they have proper attire, fostering a more inclusive environment and removing a hurdle that might prevent them from participating fully in school or daily life. Additionally, the “School Shoes” program specifically addresses footwear needs for students. Supplying proper shoes enhances their school experience not only by promoting comfort and safety but also by boosting their overall well-being.

strauss foundation orange website logo

“Our children are our future and one of the basic responsibilities is to care for them in the best and most compassionate manner possible.” – Nelson Mandela

Uniforms & Shoes

Children in Vosloorus and surrounding areas in Gauteng URGENTLY need school uniforms and shoes. Can you help?

About this project

About this project

At the DJ Strauss Foundation, we are committed to empowering South African children by ensuring they have the resources they need to succeed in school. Many children from disadvantaged backgrounds lack access to basic necessities, including proper shoes and uniforms.

Through our School Uniform and Shoe  Program, the DJ Strauss Foundation aims to bridge this gap by providing underprivileged children with the uniforms and shoes they need to attend school with pride. Your contribution to this program will directly impact the lives of these children, allowing them to participate fully in their education and unlocking a brighter future.

How to help

How to help

How You Can Help

There are several ways you can contribute to the DJ Strauss Foundation's School Uniform and Shoes Charity Program:


  • Monetary Donations: Your financial contribution, big or small, will go directly towards purchasing school uniforms and shoes for children in need. You can donate securely online through our website or mail in a check.
  • Volunteer Your Time: If you have some spare time, you can volunteer at one of our donation drives or fundraising events. Every little bit of help makes a difference!
  • Spread Awareness: Help us reach more people by sharing information about our program with your friends, family, and colleagues. You can share our website and social media posts.


  • Corporate Sponsorship: Partner with the DJ Strauss Foundation to show your commitment to education and social responsibility. We offer a variety of sponsorship opportunities to fit your company's budget and goals.
  • Employee Matching Programs: Encourage your employees to donate to our program by offering a matching gift program. This is a great way to double the impact of their contributions.
  • Product Donations: If your company manufactures or sells school uniforms or shoes, you can donate products to our program. This is a direct way to help children in need.

Together, we can make a difference in the lives of underprivileged children.

Where can I donate

Where can I donate

  • First National Bank: Account Number 63076806612


    Name: DJ Strauss Foundation
    Location: 13860 Lekavalane Street Ext10, Vosloorus, Gauteng

    • 0782017569
    • 0634698581