Food Parcels

We distribute nutritious food parcels to families struggling with food insecurity, ensuring they have access to healthy meals.

At DJ Strauss, we believe that everyone deserves access to healthy meals. That’s why we’ve launched the Food Parcel Program, a critical initiative to fight food insecurity in our communities. Through this program, we source, collect, and store edible surplus food that would otherwise go to waste. This nutritious food is then distributed to families struggling to put food on the table. By donating to the DJ Strauss Food Parcel Program, you’re helping us ensure that families have access to the food they need to thrive.

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“Food is national security. Food is economy. It is employment, energy, history. Food is everything.”
— Chef José Andrés, founder of World Central Kitchen

Food Parcels

Donate goods, groceries, hygiene products, & more and we'll distribute them to those in need

About this project

About this project

The DJ Strauss Food Parcel Program was born from a simple yet powerful desire: to combat hunger and nourish our communities. We recognized the heartbreaking reality of food insecurity, where families struggle to access basic necessities like healthy meals. This disparity existed alongside a shocking amount of edible surplus food going to waste. We saw an opportunity to bridge this gap and create a program that benefits both those in need and the environment.

How to help

How to help

The DJ Strauss Food Parcel Program thrives on the generosity of our community. Individuals, companies, and well-wishers can all play a vital role in helping us feed those in need. Financial contributions allow us to purchase additional food and cover operational costs. Food donations of non-perishable and in-date items are also gratefully accepted. Companies can explore volunteer opportunities or sponsor food drives within their organizations. Every contribution, big or small, brings us closer to our goal of nourishing our communities. Together, we can make a difference!

Where can I donate

Where can I donate

  • First National Bank: Account Number 63076806612


Name: DJ Strauss Foundation
Location: 13860 Lekavalane Street Ext10, Vosloorus, Gauteng

  • 0782017569
  • 0634698581